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Subject: Graph-TI and Calc-TI changes
From: "King, Paul" <MOC.IT|gnikp#MOC.IT|gnikp>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2003 13:33:57 -0600
Comments: To: "moc.tfosl.esae.hcaep|it-hparG#moc.tfosl.esae.hcaep|it-hparG" <moc.tfosl.esae.hcaep|it-hparG#moc.tfosl.esae.hcaep|it-hparG>
Reply-To: "King, Paul" <MOC.IT|gnikp#MOC.IT|gnikp>
Dear Graph- and Calc-TIers,
Thank you for being a part of TI's online user community. We wanted to let
you know about a few changes that are taking place. Because discussion
traffic has been shifting from these email lists to web-based discussion
groups and other online forums, the Graph-TI and Calc-TI lists are planned
for termination by the end of March. For those of you who might also be
subscribed to Calc-TI-Hispano (a Spanish language list) - it will remain
The Graph-TI list was created in April 1992 by Professor Bert Waits of The
Ohio State University and Texas Instruments. The group enjoyed many active
years providing a forum for the free exchange of ideas and discussion of
classroom applications of TI graphing calculators and related products.
As many of you know, there are active alternatives to these forums with our
online discussion groups at We hope
you'll continue to be a frequent participant on these boards with their
ongoing exchange of ideas and opinions. Your input is vital to us at TI as
we strive to provide you with the most useful and up-to-date educational
technology available.
Best regards,
Paul King||gnikp
Texas Instruments Education Support Team
7800 Banner Dr., MS 3919
Dallas, TX 75251
E-MAIL:||serac-it * CALL: 1-800-TI-CARES * VISIT:
* To UNSUBSCRIBE, send an email TO:
* with a message (not the subject) that reads SIGNOFF CALC-TI
* Archives at
Question: What are Graph-TI and Calc-TI?
Graph-TI was created by Professor Bert Waits of Ohio State
University and by Texas Instruments to provide a forum for
free exchange of educational information regarding the Texas
Instruments TI-81, TI-82, and TI-85 calculators and associated
products. It has various forms: the Newsgroup, the list, and
the archive. The Newsgroup and the list allow subscribers from
around the world to share information with each other relating
to education and the TI calculators. The archive is a collection
of programs and documents for the TI calculators; anyone may submit
programs to the archive or download programs from it.
not post anything to Graph-TI unless it is related to education.
Calc-TI was created as a forum for discussion of topic related
to all Texas Instruments calculators, but not related to education.
It is in many ways similar to Graph-TI, except that all topics
related to all Texas Instruments calculators are acceptable on
Calc-TI. Calc-TI, like Graph-TI, has two forms:a list and a
Newsgroup. Note, however, that the Graph-TI archive serves
both Graph-TI and Calc-TI. There is no Calc-TI archive, and
non-educational materials are allowed in the archive.
The Newsgroups and the lists contain exactly the same information.
Any information sent to one of the lists is automatically posted
to the corresponding Newsgroup, and vice versa. Therefore, there
is no reason to subscribe both to a list and its Newsgroup.
If you are able to subscribe to a Newsgroup, you should probably
do so, since a Newsgroup has many advantages over a list.
If you are not able to subscribe to a Newsgroup you should
subscribe to the list.
If you are interested only in educational topic, you should
subscribe only to Graph-TI. If you are interested only in
non-educational topic, you should subscribe to Calc-TI.
If you are interested in both educational and non-educational
topics, you may want to subscribe to both Graph-TI and Calc-TI.
Question: What is Calc-TI Newsgroups?
The Calc-TI Newsgroups is an Internet Newsgroup.
The name of the Calc-TI Newsgroup is bit.listserv.calc-ti.
Subscribers to the Newsgroups use a program called a news reader
to read messages on the Newsgroups and to post messages to
The Newsgroup have several advantages over the lists.
First, if you subscribe to a Newsgroup, you will not receive
the information as e-mail, so it will not clutter up your
mailbox. Second, if your site has multiple Calc-TI
subscribers, a Newsgroup will store only one copy of each
message on your system's hard drive, whereas a list will store
one copy for each subscriber on your system. So a Newsgroup
saves your system disk space. Third, a Newsgroup is easier to
use. Most news readers are easier to use than most e-mail
programs. Finally, computer systems spend a lot of time
processing a list, but spend relatively little time processing
a Newsgroup. So if you use a Newsgroup instead of a list, you are conserving computing resources. Nevertheless, there is no
obligation to use the Newsgroup rather than the list; you may
use whichever you choose.
Question: How do I subscribe to the Calc-TI Newsgroup?
The exact procedure varies among news readers and systems.
In general, you will want to select bit.listserv.graph-ti
(for Graph-TI) or bit.listserv.calc-ti (for Calc-TI) and
tell the news reader to subscribe you.
For example, if you are using the UNIX news reader trn and
you want to subscribe to the Calc-TI Newsgroup, you should
g bit.listserv.calc-ti
to select bit.listserv.calc-ti. trn will note that you are
not yet subscribed to bit.listserv.graph-ti, and will ask you
if you want to subscribe. Hit y and trn will subscribe you.
The procedure for subscribing to the Calc-TI Newsgroup is the
same, except you should type
g bit.listserv.calc-ti
Question: How do I unsubscribe from the Calc-TI Newsgroup?
The exact procedure varies among news readers and systems.
In general, you will want to select bit.listserv.calc-ti
(for Calc-TI) and tell the news reader to unsubscribe you.
g bit.listserv.calc-ti
The procedure for unsubscribing from the Calc-TI Newsgroup
Question: How do I read messages posted to the Calc-TI Newsgroup?
The exact procedure varies among news readers and systems.
In general, you will want to select bit.listserv.calc-ti (for Calc-TI) and
tell the news reader to show you the messages. Some news
readers will immediately start showing you the messages, one
after the other.
Others will first show you a list of the topics of the messages,
and will allow you to select by topic those messages which you
wish to read.
Question: How do I post a message to the Calc-TI Newsgroup?
The exact procedure varies among news readers and systems.
In general, you will want to select bit.listserv.calc-ti
(for Calc-TI) and tell the news reader to post a message. You will then
type the message, and when you+re done the news reader will
post it.
For example, if you are using the UNIX news reader trn and you
want to post a message to the Calc-TI Newsgroup, you should type
g bit.listserv.calc-ti
to select bit.listserv.calc-ti, and then hit return to get
a list of topics.
Use the instructions above to read the message you are responding
to (or any existing message of you are not responding to anyone),
and then press f to follow-up to the message. Hit y and return
if you are posting a message unrelated to the one you read, or n
if you are posting a message which is a follow-up to the message
you viewed. Type the subject of the post and press return,
press return at the Distribution prompt, press y and return
if you really want to post, press return unless you want to
include a separate file, and type your message, leaving a line
between your message and the news header. When you are done,
save the file and exit (using whatever commands your editor
uses; for emacs it would be control-x control-s control-x
control-c). Press s to send the message, and trn will post
it for you.
As a courtesy to the readers of your posting, and to reduce
private messages on the list, your message should always
include the following:
* Your Name
* Your e-mail address
* Postal mailing address if you are requesting that something be
sent to you through postal mail.
Postings to Calc-TI should relate to any Texas Instruments calculators,
and not related to educational issues.