TI Community Site Hosting

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There are many sites that have been a part of the TI community, and several of them have used similar hosting services. There are two general sources of hosting — those outside the TI community and those inside the TI community. As most of the people in the TI community are high school or junior high age, they don't have any money available for a website and thus need to rely on free hosting. The free hosting sites have changed over the years as they have closed down or went out of business, but some of the most popular sites have been Geocities, Angelfire, .tk, come.to and Monolith. Within the TI community, there have been several sites that have offered free hosting to other TI-related sites. Ticalc.org and Dimension-TI (calc.org) are the two most notable hosting sites, as they have hosted almost eighty sites between them at various times, but there are other sites as well — TI-Galaxy, Twilight-TI, CalcGames, United-TI, Omnimaga, and TI-Freakware just to name a few.

(Taken from ticalc.org news article)

Monolith project closes
Posted on 7 December 1998, 06:40 GMT

The Monolith project has been closed. The has project experienced huge growth and encountered many technical and organizational problems. As a result, the project was unable to continue in its current state. The DYNDNS (*.DYN.ML.ORG) project, which has been down for many weeks, will not be brought back up. The ATHOME (*.HOME.ML.ORG and *.BASE.ORG) project will continue for another week or two, but then it too will be shutdown. The FREED (*.ML.ORG) project is still running and Monolith is trying to contract it out to another provider. Check out the following links below for more information on the shutdown:

  • http://www.ml.org/news.html
  • http://www.ml.org/newsfaq.html
  • http://www.ml.org/status.html

This will have some negative effects on the TI community, since a great number of TI web pages use Monolith's services for their primary URL. One such example is the Defiance website which used to be defiance3d.dyn.ml.org. You can now access this site at We will soon be cleaning out sites in the Other Sites section that no longer work because of the Monolith shutdown.